Designed to be Germany's tanks for fighting other tanks, the Panzer III saw it's successful battlefield debut during the invasion of Poland. It proved to be a reliable and wining design and was continually upgraded and refined throught the war. Along with it's offspring (such as the Sturmgeschutz III) it saw service throughout the war and is considered one of Germany's most succesful tank designs of World War II.
Additional information about this Brickmania custom Lego® kit:
This model is built to 1/35 scale for use with LEGO minifigs and other Brickmania WWII kits. It features a articulated tracks, three opening hatches, and traversable turret with elevating main gun. Includes 335 new-condition LEGO and BrickArms elements plus printed building instructions (it is shipped unassmbled). This kit can be optionally purchased bundled with the Wehrmacht Troop Pack to provide crew or Panzergrenadier protection.
Durabilder™ Kit:
This kit is designed to be durable enough for reasonably active children's play.